Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Pheeewww. I came back from LA last night. It was 10 days work trip....well, staying in Japan is my business trip so I would say my business trip back in LA. Anyway, it was for one of our artist's recording. I had been so busy everyday running around and making sure everything was good. The reward for that was I was fed a nice dinner almost everyday including a nice cup of cafe latte and dessert! I had a day off since the recording and mix went very well so we had a spare day. I went to bed around 1:00 am even though I made it to my friends gathering. It was so nice to see them because I have not seen them a while after staying in Japan a month. However, I could not keep my eyes open. I was so tired. I quietly went to a bed room and in a second, I fell asleep. Next day, I woke up several time but I could not get up until 4:30 pm!! I guess I need it but still I was really surprised. I have done it once when I flew back to Japan from England, almost 10 years ago. It was a new year's eve. I arrived at Tokyo, then I took train to Tokyo, changed to a bullet train to Fukushima where my grand mother lives. 12 hours of flying, 2 and half hours train of train ride to Tokyo, another 1 and half hours to Fukushima. Then my cousin picked me up at the station, another half an hour drive. By the time I arrived at their place, I was dead, I don't remember how I did it through. I went to bed even though the night was still young...next time I woke up was afternoon of the New Year's day. I could not believe myself, could not speak a word, just amazed what I have done. However, I missed whole the New Year's Eve fun!! We usually stay up late, watching TV, getting the feeling of a new year coming. We have a custom to eat Soba noodles for a new year.....we eat at night, new year's eve. Temple rings its big bell thing 108 times to tell the year is changing. So the year changes while they are ringing a bell. This bell means to vanish selfish desires and passions by hearing so we can have a fresh start for the new year. People visit a temple wishing the new year wil be filled with happiness and joy. Many people visit a temple during the night of new year's day. I always go with my relatives right after the new year begins. It is something special about walking in such a cold winter night with white breath while walking the street to temple. Especially the temple we visit is on top of the mountain. There is always a fire place within a temple we can warm ourselves. The darkness of the night, the bright reflection of the fire, the joy of the people to have a new year.....it always be a good memory and nice start, one of the most cheerful moment of the year. Well, in that year I missed everything. Everyone thought I must have been so tired and left me alone. Even though I awoke up after everything has past, the kindness of my family made my new year full of happiness.


Gravity Engine said...

The temple visit sounds amazing. What an inspiring way to start the new year! Why do they ring the bell 108 times? What does that signify?

hanahiyori said...

Yes, it is very nice to visit a temple as the beginning of a year. 108 times has a meaning, several different stories. It is hard to explain in English, especially here....I will explain to you when I get back!