Friday, October 14, 2011

Here I am...

Here I am, sitting in a studio in Japan. I came back again.
We are on the road since last month, it has been great. Time flies like more than words can explain, feels like it is getting harder to catch up. Now I come to think how I was blogging back in those years. I was, and I am still, so grateful to travel around Japan....on business! How lucky I am to see my own country with my own eyes. Japan is such a small country but it varies so much! I love everything about different culture and food. OK, I'm just mumbling random stuff...don't know where to start. I think I just want to mention I am so grateful with my life. Life is beautiful whatever & however it turns out.
This year, the first half was's gone! We had a few recording periods, 2 music video shoots, Grammy Awards, then Tsunami. 9/11 had a huge impact in my life as I watched TV after 3 months living in the US but watching Tsunami footage was something totally different. It was my country, just couldn't believe it was real. All I can do was staring at TV and I never felt that much powerless. I wish I could do something then yet I don't know if I could have done anything. It was quick and massive and outrageous, maybe I would have been less than a tiny little leaf washed away.... I keep saying same thing "I want to do something" and I don't know what I can do. People still needs help, it would take long long time to recover, rebuild, start up a new life. At least I can do all the time is not forgetting about them and do whatever I can find.
Well, my story got out of the pass I was going for but I am glad I had this time to write how I felt. I am also grateful I'm alive and having a great life. I don't have to worry about not having a house, job, money, and a life partner. I have everything!!! Yes, just think about it....I have a great job, great house, my family is good, I can buy if I want to, and I have someone I would like to share lots of fun. I have everything and according to the powerful guidance more and more happiness and joy are coming into my life!! I still feel down once in a while so I try to keep it up. I've been reading a lot of books, listening to calm my soul down. Just let it go and free myself. It seems difficult but it's not something impossible. I believe so and I will do that. Is it ZEN sprit?? I'm not sure. I still have my desire and dreams, I need keep those picturing in my heart but not expect the specific outcome. I should let it flow and things will turn out well, things will happen at the perfect timing and perfect condition.
All I need to do is......wait.
To be honest, maybe I was too narrow minded expecting too much how my personal life should turns out. I was sending out negative vibe maybe, looking at what I didn't have. Now I feel I have a power and control how I feel. I won't feel powerless again. I will attract my happy life!!

1 comment:

hanahiyori said...
