Friday, July 14, 2006

On the road again

Hello. I am in Sendai now. After the last trip, I had an one-day trip going to Niigata, having a show and came back with the last train. The bullet train arrived at Tokyo station at 23:40, there was no way for me to go home. Besides, I had to drop other people off. So I already decided not to go home. Then I felt I had so much time since I don't have to worry about the 3 hours train both ways between Tokyo and my home town. Actually one of band member and I went out for ZAAA (is that how it spelled?? I had never heard it before for last 5 years of living in LA!?) It was late late night snack, and not so good pizzas but I had so much fun talking. Then I crashed at my best friend from high school who lives in Tokyo. It has been about 8 months since the last time I saw him but I almost always see him whenever I come back to Japan....well, to be precisely, I crash at his place since my home town is toooooo far!!

Anyway, so I did not see anything about Niigata. I got some nice bottles of sake. Niigata is famouse for good rice, of course they produce good sake. I worked at my office for 3 days and now I am on the road again. This time towards Northan part of Japan. I don't have much chance to see or know the city if we just move from a hotel to a venue. I went to Morioka, where is Iwate prefecture and it was first time to visit...I saw nothing. I need to find some other time to visit. Since I stay at a hotel tonight, I have a little bit time tomorrow morning before we leave. I hope I will not be too tired and get up so I can walk around the area. I better go to bed then. Oyasumi nasai (good night)!


Gravity Engine said...

Sorry you didn't get to see much in Niigata. I'm looking forward to that sake though!! :)

"Za" is something I hadn't heard in a while, until you used it. Omoshiroi. Here's an interesting article about it that I found:

It's not letting me post it as a link, so you'll have to cut and paste.

hanahiyori said...

Thanks for the info. That was really interesting.
We Japanese people like to shorten a word, or a series of words.
"Famiresu" for family reastaurant, "pasokon" for personal computer, "Kenta" for Kentucky Fried Chiken.
Omoshiroi, ne!