Tuesday, June 20, 2006

bike ride

Despite the rainy season we supposed having right now, it was such a nice day today. I had to take one of the players to regional immigration bureau today. He likes ride a bike and he used to go to the rehearsal place as long as weather was fine by bike instead of us picking him up by car. The bureau happens to be close to the rehearsal studio just a little bit farther, so he told me he prefered to ride a bike. I like riding a bike too. In this metropolitan area like Tokyo, it is much easier and would not take longer than you think. If you take trans, you have to change trans, walk around between the station, so usually it almost takes same time. When I was working in Japan and had to visit many publishers and radio stations, I often used a bike. Besides, riding a bike is a good excercise. I need excercise since I have not worked out for a loooooooong time even though I knew I should. So I was willing to take my company's bike and go with them.

The bike was so-so. I put some air right before I left but it seemed long only for 10 mins. The bike type is what we call "mama-chari" which has a big basket in front and you don't have to bend forward like most sports bike do. "mama" means "mother", and "chari" stands for "charinko" which is a bicycle. Lots of mom ride those kind of bicycle, going grossary shopping, picking up a kid, going everywhere. Well, it is usually what we think of bicycle here. Not only moms, students, working people use them as a good way of commute, or commute to their station. You will see big parking spaces near a station and it is always more than full. Bicycles are such a popular transportation here in Japan. These bikes are so easy to ride and stable.

Anyway, it was so much fan to ride a bike and I felt so good because I was "excercising"!! Soon enough I start sweating, trying to catch up with his sports bike. It was nice to have a company. I turned right since I tried to avoid a steep uphill bridge. However, we had to across the huge train passes where run under the bridge we avoid. I thought there would be many street going over or under the trains but it seems I missed some of those crossing street. I could not find any more so we had to ride farther down, too far. We took a long way around, had to pass a big uphill bridge across the river later anyway, and finally got the immigration bureau. We immediatly stopped by a con-bini (convinience store). I bought 1 litre bottle of sports drink and finished in a few minutes.

After we were done there, we rode back. It was obviously harder. Especially after I said good-bye to him, I felt so worn out just riding it by myself. I chose a short very steep hill way than a long slope road. The hill was right before my office. I was so tired and could not feel much of my feet pedaling. I seriously thought about leaving a bike under the hill and ask somebody, a youger co-worker, to pick it up. But I thought it will be so pathetic so I did not call. I got off the bike and step forward towards the hill because there was no way I will ride it. Then.....I SAW the YOUNG co-worker!!! Thank you Budda!!? I asked him to take over the bike, I was saved! By the way...today is "taian" day in Chinese calendar (we use as Japanese but introduced from China I believe) which supposed to be a lucky day, good day to start something or having a wedding. I totally believe this lucky day calendar system!!

1 comment:

Gravity Engine said...

Yatta!! Omedetou on your bike ride. I'm glad you had some good luck to help you out. Omishiroi hanashi desu!