Monday, June 19, 2006

World cup

Japan could not win last night against Chroatia!! I had a funeral ceremony yesterday though it was the first day off since I cam back to Japan. It was raining but we finally put the ashes into the grave yard, which was put off since the 49th day funeral ceremony since it rained so hard with thunder. I had a long long day and so tired. I was ready to bed by 10:00 and going to, but I turned on a TV just to check the score of the world soccer game. Of course the game got me, I told myself I would go to bed after the first half. The game was so excting and there were so many chance for Japan to score but none was successfull. I could not help watching rest of the game. I kept shouting and making noises in front of TV until the game ended. Well, it seemed the team was so worn out in the second half even though they tried their best to keep it up. It is easy to say but difficult to do. I have not worked out or excercised, I will be out of breath in one minute.....or less.....

A new week started. Today is such a nice day, actually sunny and hot! The weather forecast said it will be rain and thunder later on. Rainy season. I am leaving for Hokkaido for a week. It is said there is no rainy season in Hokkaido, very cool mild temprature, and not humid. Also, Hokkaido is known for its good food. All kind of sea food including crabs and salmons, veggies like potatos and corns, dairy products such as cheese and ice cream...etc....YUMMY!! Of course there have popular Japanese beef, too. And then.....lamb. I am sorry if you guys don't eat lamb. I don't mind eating them since I am not veggitarian. It tastes good too. I appreciate, eat and enjoy them, I will do my best not to waste any food.

Today, I went to Shibuya where is very busy with young people. So many shops, so many people. I felt like being in Japan.
My best friend told me a story. She was at a station on the way to back home last night. She bought a bottle of water from a vending machine which is everywhere in Japan. After the terro attack of Aum cult group in 1995, chemical poison spread in the air on underground trains in rush hour, train stations got rid of all the trash bins so nobody leaves anything unidentified. She looked for a trush bin but there is none with that reason. However she found empty bottles lining up right on where the trush bin used to be seems like, right near the vending machine. That made her think it was totally Japanese behavior. If you are not going to through a trush anyway, you will not mind anything....but those people were leaving those empty bottles in line next to next, nice and neat. I guess that makes people feel "I am leaving a trush but I am not making mess!!....right?" I can't imagine American people do the same thing unless a person being goofy. I thought that was funny. What do you think? : )


Gravity Engine said...

I think it's awesome! I wish people in the US had the same sense of cleanliness and caring that the Japanese do. Here too many people just throw trash wherever they feel like it. They feel that it's someone else's problem to clean it up. It's so ugly here because of it. Japan is such a clean country everywhere, even when there aren't any trash cans!! I wish that wasn't something so amazing, that people everywhere just understood and cared about their environment. Unfortunately that is not the case. I want to move to Japan!!

p.s. Sorry about Japan not winning that game. They can still go on though if they beat Brazil! It will be a tough match, but they can do it!! Hopefully Brazil will be playing easy since they know they are moving on whether they win or lose. And Japan's determination and spirit will make them win! Faito Faito Faito!!

hanahiyori said...

Thanks for your nice comment about Japan. ; )
It is getting worse though, I think people start losing the high standerd of caring we used to have.
It is sad to see young people don't care...I am terrified to imagine how the future would be.