Thursday, July 27, 2006

I got days off. My friends and my mom and myself, we went to Gunma prefecture. The place called Minakami where is about 3 hours drive from Tokyo. All the dark fresh greens in the mountains and the view of clean river and breeze.....uhhhhh.....feels so goood!!! This is the air we should breath everyday, not smoggy stuffy air in town. I heard70% of the land is mountain and uninhabitable. Japan is such a tiny country, no wonder it is so crowded and we have to live in a small cell like apartment. But the greatness of it is you can enjoy so much of greens and great nature. Especially in deep mountains, the air is so nice and cool. No humidity! That's always people talk about summer in Japan. So hot and humid. Well, not in here. :)
We did white water rafting. I have never done it before, but it was so much fun! I was worried about my mom even though she said she will try because she can't swim. However, the life jacket is so well made. It floats very well and the guide said it is constructed not to put your face in the water so you will not die. We floated in the water before we got on the boat and made sure it works well. My mom seemed nervous first but she was getting more comfortable about it. The ride was GREAT!! The river was clear and clean, so close, splashing over us, cooling down the worn out mind and body in the city. The view is only for those who goes down the river. It is definitely different than watching from riverside even it is very nice feeling too. You are in the middle of it! Our guide was a Brazilian, he spoke Japanese and English. On the half way......he found there was a wild monkey on a small bridge!!!!!!!! I was amazed he found that because the color was not standing out so much. I waved the monkey but he was just staring at us down the river. Maybe he thought "Here goes again.....silly Japanese on a boat...."!?
Next day, I went to Tanigawa mountain with my mom since the onsen (hot spring) place we were planning to go was not open yet. So we drove 10 more minutes to take a ropeway ride. The sky was so clear, we were told there are only a few days of a year that you can really have a 360 degree view of mountains. Well, that was the day! We were so lucky, the day before of rafting as well. It was the first clear blue sky almost in 30days. Tanigawa mountain is also know as a great hike course. There are so many groups of people visiting with backpacks and canes. My mom and I just realized we are the only ones wearing flip-flops. Well, we were not there for hiking.

Also, there are so many dragonflies all over. Both of us are really good at catching them, but......the dragonflies there were so quick! I used to catch a lot when I was a kid at my grandma place so I know how to catch them. My mom using another grabbing technique that my grandma told her. I only tried to grab their wings from the side when they are really resting. You can see their wings go down a little by little, once the wings are so low down they can't fly up so easily.....supposed to! I don't know why but they are so sensitive for their surroundings. They notice immediately and fly away. Both of us are so excited to win this battle with dragonfly. My mom started catching them with her quick grabbing palm. I tried but I knew I hesitate for a mili second being afraid I might crush them, so it did not work for a long time. Then we found all the ones we got are quite young ones. It is smaller and my mom mentioned the wings are softer. They have not learned how to run away I guess. Of course we don't kill them, let them free. Everybody was trying to catching them since there are so many but we saw none succeeded. My mom gave a dragonfly to a small boy and a girl let the family take a picture. His parents were so happy since they couldn't catch any. Kids were so excited to hold them in their own hands. Maybe nowadays Japanese children don't have much chance to chase and handle those live bugs in summer like we used to....

The whole trip was great. I had so much fun being in the nature. I am happy to be able to spend time with my mom, too. I would love to come back here again.

Hanabi Taikai

It's been a while since I went to a fire work festival in Japan. Hanabi = fire works. Hanabe Taikai is a fire works festival. This is a big thing in Japan. Hanabi Taikai makes our feeling somehow excited. Everybody talks about it and gets excited as the date is closer.....well, unless you have to work until late night and there is no chance to go one. With work reason, and also I was not in Japan, I have been missing those fire works festivals. I know there is a lot of fire works on July 4th in USA but those in Japan is you will see it so close. Even though it would be crazy crowded, we like to get close and watch the whole show. Girls like to wear yukata, Japanese cotton kimono, for a special date. Isn't it so fun to dress up and go out? : )

The travel date to Sapporo, Hokkaido. I was informed they have a fire festival over Toyohira river where runs right next to the hotel we stay. We were excited and hoping to have a glance of the fire works. As closer we get, we start hear a sound of fireworks from far. I cried out " I heard the sound!" and everyone quickly shut their mouth and tried to hear it. "Oh! Heard it! Cool" we start having fun just to hear the sounds. But still, we were driving in a town surrounding tall buildings. Then another girl said "Ah!! I saw it between the building!!". We started seeing them, just part of it, here and there.

We arrived the hotel, we wanted to go see it but we have to leave in 5 mins. On the floor we stayed, there was a all window end of the hallway and we could see the fire works. "Great! We can see them!!" As soon as I left my suitcase in my room, I went to the window. Other girls were thinking the same thing. We were excited. The fireworks are a little bit far but still gave us the nice summer feeling. I guess that was hotel's kind consideration, there were chairs in front of the window. Still we all stood there and watched them without a word for a few minutes.
The fact we saw just a few minutes of Hanabi Taikai made me so happy. Hanabi is something special and indispensable to Japanese culture in summer.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

The sacred sprit

I was in Nagano for 2days. I had 2 hours off in the afternoon. There is a very famous temple called Zenkouji. I heard it is only about 1 mile away so I jumped on a cab and went there. I did not know anything about Zenkoji but I have heard its name. Now I know why it is so famous. Zenkoji obtains the Japan's oldest buddha statue which came from China. The major religion in Japan is Buddhism and they have so many different denominations. However, since this temple obtains the statue from very beginning of Buddhism history in Japan Zenkoji accept all Buddhism sect and many people visit to this place.

Even though, the statue is hidden and only you can see is the big hanging screen from ceiling in front of the place where the statue is stored. Still, this statue is very sacred and spiritual so people want to visit Zenkoji. The temple itself is really gorgeous and historical, there are other Buddhism statues worth to see once. As my cab driver recommended me I bought a ticket for going under the temple in pitch touch a sacred key. I had to take off my shoes and walked towards huge open tatami room, and waited for a while in line but it allowed me to see all beautiful architect feature and calming statues. There are so many people there waiting for it. I passed the hanging screen of sacred sprit. I put some incense and prayed.

The sacred key is leading to the sprit, so people who goes in the dark and find the sacred key will get great fortune. And it was....totally dark!!! Even it says "pitch dark" I thought there might be a dim light or something. But once I went down the stairs I did not see anything except a few people in front of me. It IS really a pitch dark. There is a sign saying "touch the right wall at the hip hight and walk forward". Several steps later the passage curved to right and then just black all over. I was gliding my feet, touching the wall, went too far and had to say "excuse me" several time to the person in front. It was really interesting. It does not matter if you open or close your eyes, complete dark. I tried to concentrate and feel the sprit but there was a loud family with kids scared. I was kind of annoyed but tried not to be since I should get the peaceful mind from the sacred spirit. It was slow walking with winding passage. Then I started hearing clinging sound. The key was close. A few seconds later I saw a light figure in my dark sight, on my left hand back side. It was the light like you have a vision for a while after a camera flash blinds you. It appeared all the sudden. There was nothing to blind me, just darkness. Maybe it is only in my head but I felt like something was there. Then it disappeared. I walked forward and touched the key wondering what it was, and praying peace for the world.

After that, I walked around the area. There was a merry-go-around kind of thing which was filled with thousands of holy chanting scrolls. Chinese invented this. It is believed if you rotate this thing once, it is worth to read whole chanting scrolls. The ticket I bought was good for this house too. I pushed one of the bars which is sticking out from the center and walked around. Then at the shop I bought lots of lucky charms from the temple as a gift for my family. I hope it will bring them good luck and health.

I had a little spare time so I walked back to the hotel. It took half an hour. It was interesting to see a different town. I felt blessed after visiting the holy temple. Work is hard, but I still think I am really lucky to have a chance to visit different places.

Friday, July 14, 2006

On the road again

Hello. I am in Sendai now. After the last trip, I had an one-day trip going to Niigata, having a show and came back with the last train. The bullet train arrived at Tokyo station at 23:40, there was no way for me to go home. Besides, I had to drop other people off. So I already decided not to go home. Then I felt I had so much time since I don't have to worry about the 3 hours train both ways between Tokyo and my home town. Actually one of band member and I went out for ZAAA (is that how it spelled?? I had never heard it before for last 5 years of living in LA!?) It was late late night snack, and not so good pizzas but I had so much fun talking. Then I crashed at my best friend from high school who lives in Tokyo. It has been about 8 months since the last time I saw him but I almost always see him whenever I come back to Japan....well, to be precisely, I crash at his place since my home town is toooooo far!!

Anyway, so I did not see anything about Niigata. I got some nice bottles of sake. Niigata is famouse for good rice, of course they produce good sake. I worked at my office for 3 days and now I am on the road again. This time towards Northan part of Japan. I don't have much chance to see or know the city if we just move from a hotel to a venue. I went to Morioka, where is Iwate prefecture and it was first time to visit...I saw nothing. I need to find some other time to visit. Since I stay at a hotel tonight, I have a little bit time tomorrow morning before we leave. I hope I will not be too tired and get up so I can walk around the area. I better go to bed then. Oyasumi nasai (good night)!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Back in Tokyo...

I visited Fukuoka, and Yamaguchi. The hotel in Fukuoka was really good hotel. I was on the executive floor so gym and internet was free! I paid almost $30 for 2days of internet usage in Miyazaki. It is way too expensive! Once they got the line connected, they don't have to pay any extra do they!?!? Anyway, I enjoyed swimming in the pool, and spa with nice big bath tub. I only stayed one night but I had good relaxed night. I had sore mascle all over my body from surfing, so I called the massage service. The nice hotels have a good massuse, very reliable. I fell asleep while the session because it was so good and I was so tired too. I woke up as he told me 60 mins was already over. I brushed my teeth and just passed out onto the comfy bed. Well....I think he tried too hard to loose my mascle. My shoulder hurts because of the over massage. That is what we call "momi kaeshi".

I flew back from Yamaguchi today. As soon as I stepped out of the plane, what I saw was gray thick smog. I could not see any view, every building and scene was smoggy. Oh no...I can't believe people has to live in this city. I can't wait to leave for country side again. :(

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

First time SURFING!

I am in Miyazaki where is in Kyushu area, still Southern Japan. I went to surfing for the first time yesterday after arrival. A good friend of mine was a great teacher. I learned the basic movement to dodge waves, puddle, and balance. The water felt really cold when it touched my feet....and my stomach! PHeEEEWWWUuuu!! I cried out but was having fun at the same time. I can't remember the last time I went to the beach feeling ocean with my whole body. Once you got in completely it was not cold anymore. I just enjoy being in the ocean and feeling the energy making waves from far far away. I enjoyed diving into the water to dodge the waves. Believe me, I am not a super swimmer. I am more like "Well, I can swim but I don't like swimming in the ocean." Usually as soon as I can't feel the bottom I start feeling anxious. But the surfboard is floating, holding my whole body, swinging between the waves. What a nice feeling. I was not scared at all. Yesterday I spent all two hours to get used to the waves and the board. After having an advise from my teacher picking up a good wave to ride, its timing, and paddling like a crazy woman I caught A wave!!!!! I can't discribe it. It just took off, carried me all the way like flying! I already enjoyed riding a few seconds everytime wave hit me, but it was totally different. I knew I could not ride like a sufer on the TV or on the picture on a magazine so I did not expect anything or did not understand what really "ride a wave" means. Of couse I was not be able to stand up, I was just holding onto my long board shouting "Yeeeeeeeeepeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Today was off. So I went again with more people.There were three more people today who had not done surfing. They tried and loved it! Thanks to the teacher, everyone got a few rides and felt the great flying sensetion! I was so happy to share the feeling that I felt yesterday with everybody. We did not have enough boards for everybody but we took turns and had so much fun. I got swirled and the wave took me several time to under the water world. Surprisingly, I am still not scared of ocean. The surfboard is so reliable somehow. I have a leash on my right ankle. I dive to dodge if it is too late to get ready for a ride and the board will be taken a little so my ankle being pulled. I got out from the water as soon as I hear the sound of wave is gone and pull the leash. Today, there was a time I had to repeat this so many times because a set of waves kept coming and I did not have any time to turn around, get on the board, paddle! It made me really tired. But still, I wanted to catch a wave. I got a long nice ride since another wave catching up carring me further, well I felt that way. It was GREAT! With more explaination from my friend and more carefull observation of the ocean, it started to make more sense for each movement. I start feeling comfortable on the board when I am riding. So I started tring to stand up. I kind of kneeled on the board for a few moments which felt fine (and exciting!) before I made up my mind to actually stand up......I stood up and immediately lost balance and fell into the ocean. My body was not with the board, the board was going forward so quick but my body was not. So it makes sense why I fell. My back hurts because of that, but I learned I guess. I tried a little bit later, same thing happen. I need more practice to actually stand up and surf. This is really hard excercise so it is good for me. I needed to build more muscle on my upper back, according to my chiropractor. Paddling is great excercise. I am sure I will have sore muscle tomorrow though. Anyway, I had so much fun playing with ocean, laughing, shouting "Yeeeeeeeeepeeeeeeeeee!!!" all the time. I think I was the loudest and the most enjoyed person on the beach.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Last resort!?

Hokkaido is a Northern island of Japan, and now I am in a Southern island of Japan, Amami Oshima. People might think of Okinawa island for a Sounthern island but this Amami island is bigger than Okinawa as its size. It is just less crowded and developed. We arrived yesterday. As soon as I stepped out from the airplain, I felt its tropical climet. Humidity, shinning sun light burning your skin...everything seems so vivid. We went to directly to a restaurant where we can eat great "chicken rice". We were imaginning some kind of chicken dish over the rice but it was rice and chicken soup. You put several toppings on your served rice and pour the great golden clear chicken soup. It had really deep flavor but not thick or heavy at all. The chicken there was so fresh. We had chicken sashimi (well, I know some of you would not believe eating it raw but we do. It gotta be really fresh and done by skilled chef). We even had sashimi of a liver, heart, and.....CoCksCoMB!!!!! It was tiny and did not taste much, I think it is just for the texture. The chicken there was so fresh, so it was good dinner.

This morning, I went to a beach. The water was so nice and clean. The color of the ocean was beautiful. Okinawa is beautiful but it is getting more for tourism and everything is expensive. This place still keep lots of real nature. You can enjoy fruits picked up locally, Shochu (especially famous for shochu from sugar cane), and people's kindness, I wish I could stay here for vacation!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Back in town...

Oh my gosh. So so sooooo humid here in Tokyo! I came back from Hokkaido. Last 4 days were so great, sunny and clear blue sky! I rented a bike, mama-chari. There was great rental bicycle system for tourist. They deliver it to your hotel, and pick it up! I think that is the best way to explore a town as long as you have a sense of direction....

I went to Hokkaido Modern Museum to see an exhibit. It was about a monk who came over from China to spread Buddism. It was nothing about modern but oh well, who cares, it was amazing!! This Ganjin Wajyo was asked to come to Japan when he was 55 years old, he agreed for his belief of Buddism. However it was so difficult to ship over from China to Japan. He tried 5 times and failed, finally he made it for the 6th time. This took 12 years! It has been 12 years since he decided and he was blind when he landed to Japan. Isn't that amazing? Someone's belief, strong will power. It would not be too much if I say the Buddism in Japan would be as it is now without him. There was a famous wood carving of him, life size. He looked like smiling and keep nodding at me saying "everything will be all right...". I could not move for a while. I could keep looking at him. I did not want to leave. Also there are so many items from Heian and Nara period which is around 700-800 A.D.. I really apreciate the fact we still preserve those kind of things. Though it was only short time I am very glad to meet him (?).

Next day morning, I rode my rental bicycle along the river right next to my hotel. The air was so nice, sunny day, sound of the water, smell of the green...everything made me smile. Lots of people there....just walking, going to school on bicycle, and a young kid practicing a trumpet, a middle aged woman vocal training towards the river. Bunch of old people were having fun playing gate ball. I stoped my bike for a few minutes. I put my bare feet into the was freezing cold but felt so nice to my tired feet. it was a hot day anyway and I needed to cool down. How lucky those people who live here are! They probably don't know it until they leave their beautiful town. Surrounding by great nature is worth more than anything for your mind.

To be honest with you.....I am not in Tokyo anymore. I started to write this but could not finish so I saved as a draft.
I am in another great nature area, I am in Amami island. To be continued....

Friday, June 23, 2006


I forgot about to tell you about "chanko nabe". It is great dish and originally a dish for Sumo wrestlers. Nabe means a pot. In Japan, we have so many nabe dishes. When you are talking about a nabe dish, it usually is a big ceramic pot stew kind of. We eat supper family style all the time, and nabe dish is a really family dish. You share the pot, nabe, and you directly serve from it so your family surround a table, picking up the food inside of the pot in the center of the table. We talk, share the tasty food, and hot stew nabe warms us up. It is very popular in winter, that is the season you should have. Cold outside, steaming nabe pot, having good friends or family together....sounds good, isn't it?

Popular ingredients are chinese cabbege (hakusai), shiitake, enoki mushroom, shungiku/mizuna, tofu, chicken, fish (white fish, salmon), scallop, thin sliced pork, chicken ball, fish ball....I can't write them all. It depends on what kind of nabe you want to make. Mizutaki is one of the basic style nabe. The soup does not have any seasoning except the broth from konbu seaweed. You dip those into ponzu, Japanese citrus soy, and eat. Well, by the time you eat all the broth from ingredients coming together and just tasts great. Nothing greasy and with refreshing ponzu, you can eat A LOT. So many differnt nabe dishes, there are basic ingredients but you may creat your own. Putting crushed sesame, use soy milk as broth, miso base much option to creat. Some people put spicy kimchee, Korean pickled chinese cabbage, to make it spicy and it became so popular, Kimchee nabe. It is fun to find so many unique recipis on a magazine in winter.

Anyway. Chanko. I already mentioned this is a dish for Sumo wrestlers. They need to have good nutricious food and put weight on them. The dish is not fatty or anything, I think you can just eat far more than you are supposed to. Chanko has everything in it. All the above I mentioned probably. Its soup is already seasoned. We went to Chanko restaurant a day before, the famous place here in hokkaido, I have heard a lot from my co-workers. The greatest of all is this soup!! Your serving bowl comes with sesame in it, there is a wood to smash the sesame. A very strong fragrance comes up as soon as you smash the sesame. The combination of this just smashed sesame and deep flavor broth....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!m!m! After you ate all the ingredients, waitress would add more broth since we already comsumed a lot, then put udon noodle in it. We ordered ramen noodle too. The ramen was so heavenly! Hokkaido is famous for ramen, but this ramen soup was as great as those famous ramen places. Attached is a picture of ingredients they brought to our table. Even though the bottom is a little bit up than it seems since they put some kind of wooden mesh in the middle, this is for 2 person. You can imagine how much we can eat!

Thursday, June 22, 2006


So, I am in Hokkaido. It has already been for 3 days. I overslept the day we were leaving since I packed late at night. I set my cell phone alarm but it was somehow "manner mode" which only vibed. When my mom woke me up telling me it was alomost 7:30 which I usually wake up for my work, I freaked out and jumped off my bed. Yes, I should have left a note or something to memtion my mom what time I should get up. I did not have a chace to talk with her since I came home pretty late. I took a quick shower and got ready, did not have a time to eat breakfast which she had made. My mom gave me a ride to a station so I was able to catch the second train I was planning to take. (I had 3 possible train time to make it, but I really wanted to get there early just in case something happened.) On the train, it started raining. I thought "I wish I brought an umbrella....and, OH NO! My Jacket!!" Hokkaido is really cool climate so I definitely needed one. I remembered looking around at the door when I left, asking myself "is there anything missing??" but I gave myself OK. Huh! Another "wasuremono"!!

I emailed my mom just telling the fact I left my jacket. Surprisingly she emailed me back she could see me at the airport. I didn't mean to, really, ask her to bring it (Believe me for a second). I emailed her she did not have to do that. But my train ride was long enough to change my mind. I could buy something there...but what if I don't have time? What if it will be too cold from the moment we arrived? Do I want to spend money when I had a closet full of jacket? Well, I asked her....I know I am spoiled!! I was going to Tokyo first then the airport, so she had time to catch up. I also asked her to bring a folding umbrella which is very useful right now.

Well, it has been raining since we arrived. However, the moist and smell of the rain is very nice and calming. The air is so different compared to Tokyo. Especially surrounded by green trees and mountains, it feels so good. I just want to close my eyes and breathe. I have not had a chance to walk around but I would love to explore the area. As my 2nd morning and 3rd day of Hokkaido, I managed to have a relaxed time to write in my nice hotel room. Yesterday morning, I slept in until 10:00 am. Oh, that was great! The bed is big and comfy.

Japan lost against Brazil early this moring, game started at 4:00am. Last night, I was watching TV from my bed and fell sleep. I wake up several time noticing the TV was still on, and the soccor game was on but could not keep me awake nor move to turn it off. When I finally got up, the TV was telling me Japan scored first but Brazil scored 4. TV was re-broadcasting the whole game again for those who did not wake up at 4 in the morning. I watched a little bit, they played quite good. If they played like today, Japan could have won other games. Oh, by the way, the coach of Japan team is Zico. I heard everybody saying each other "we realized Zico is really great soccor player in the history by hearing those Brazilian players admire him so much". We Japanese people don't know so much about those great guys outside of Japan (Or maybe we don't even inside Japan). We know they are great, but it is hard to understand completely how great they are because we only know by the information provided by the media. Well, unless you are fascinated by those guys and look them up. I thought it was funny that people now realized how super coach Zico is by Brazilian, whom we already know or were informed the greatest players, telling they wish they did not have to fight Zico's team. People just need to come to realization those kind of thing, somehow the way which is more directly related to them, or by someone whom we already count on. I am not talking about only famous great guys. I think I can say the same thing for anything when you understand a different culture. You know what I mean? I hope so! : )

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

bike ride

Despite the rainy season we supposed having right now, it was such a nice day today. I had to take one of the players to regional immigration bureau today. He likes ride a bike and he used to go to the rehearsal place as long as weather was fine by bike instead of us picking him up by car. The bureau happens to be close to the rehearsal studio just a little bit farther, so he told me he prefered to ride a bike. I like riding a bike too. In this metropolitan area like Tokyo, it is much easier and would not take longer than you think. If you take trans, you have to change trans, walk around between the station, so usually it almost takes same time. When I was working in Japan and had to visit many publishers and radio stations, I often used a bike. Besides, riding a bike is a good excercise. I need excercise since I have not worked out for a loooooooong time even though I knew I should. So I was willing to take my company's bike and go with them.

The bike was so-so. I put some air right before I left but it seemed long only for 10 mins. The bike type is what we call "mama-chari" which has a big basket in front and you don't have to bend forward like most sports bike do. "mama" means "mother", and "chari" stands for "charinko" which is a bicycle. Lots of mom ride those kind of bicycle, going grossary shopping, picking up a kid, going everywhere. Well, it is usually what we think of bicycle here. Not only moms, students, working people use them as a good way of commute, or commute to their station. You will see big parking spaces near a station and it is always more than full. Bicycles are such a popular transportation here in Japan. These bikes are so easy to ride and stable.

Anyway, it was so much fan to ride a bike and I felt so good because I was "excercising"!! Soon enough I start sweating, trying to catch up with his sports bike. It was nice to have a company. I turned right since I tried to avoid a steep uphill bridge. However, we had to across the huge train passes where run under the bridge we avoid. I thought there would be many street going over or under the trains but it seems I missed some of those crossing street. I could not find any more so we had to ride farther down, too far. We took a long way around, had to pass a big uphill bridge across the river later anyway, and finally got the immigration bureau. We immediatly stopped by a con-bini (convinience store). I bought 1 litre bottle of sports drink and finished in a few minutes.

After we were done there, we rode back. It was obviously harder. Especially after I said good-bye to him, I felt so worn out just riding it by myself. I chose a short very steep hill way than a long slope road. The hill was right before my office. I was so tired and could not feel much of my feet pedaling. I seriously thought about leaving a bike under the hill and ask somebody, a youger co-worker, to pick it up. But I thought it will be so pathetic so I did not call. I got off the bike and step forward towards the hill because there was no way I will ride it. Then.....I SAW the YOUNG co-worker!!! Thank you Budda!!? I asked him to take over the bike, I was saved! By the is "taian" day in Chinese calendar (we use as Japanese but introduced from China I believe) which supposed to be a lucky day, good day to start something or having a wedding. I totally believe this lucky day calendar system!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

World cup

Japan could not win last night against Chroatia!! I had a funeral ceremony yesterday though it was the first day off since I cam back to Japan. It was raining but we finally put the ashes into the grave yard, which was put off since the 49th day funeral ceremony since it rained so hard with thunder. I had a long long day and so tired. I was ready to bed by 10:00 and going to, but I turned on a TV just to check the score of the world soccer game. Of course the game got me, I told myself I would go to bed after the first half. The game was so excting and there were so many chance for Japan to score but none was successfull. I could not help watching rest of the game. I kept shouting and making noises in front of TV until the game ended. Well, it seemed the team was so worn out in the second half even though they tried their best to keep it up. It is easy to say but difficult to do. I have not worked out or excercised, I will be out of breath in one minute.....or less.....

A new week started. Today is such a nice day, actually sunny and hot! The weather forecast said it will be rain and thunder later on. Rainy season. I am leaving for Hokkaido for a week. It is said there is no rainy season in Hokkaido, very cool mild temprature, and not humid. Also, Hokkaido is known for its good food. All kind of sea food including crabs and salmons, veggies like potatos and corns, dairy products such as cheese and ice cream...etc....YUMMY!! Of course there have popular Japanese beef, too. And then.....lamb. I am sorry if you guys don't eat lamb. I don't mind eating them since I am not veggitarian. It tastes good too. I appreciate, eat and enjoy them, I will do my best not to waste any food.

Today, I went to Shibuya where is very busy with young people. So many shops, so many people. I felt like being in Japan.
My best friend told me a story. She was at a station on the way to back home last night. She bought a bottle of water from a vending machine which is everywhere in Japan. After the terro attack of Aum cult group in 1995, chemical poison spread in the air on underground trains in rush hour, train stations got rid of all the trash bins so nobody leaves anything unidentified. She looked for a trush bin but there is none with that reason. However she found empty bottles lining up right on where the trush bin used to be seems like, right near the vending machine. That made her think it was totally Japanese behavior. If you are not going to through a trush anyway, you will not mind anything....but those people were leaving those empty bottles in line next to next, nice and neat. I guess that makes people feel "I am leaving a trush but I am not making mess!!....right?" I can't imagine American people do the same thing unless a person being goofy. I thought that was funny. What do you think? : )

Friday, June 16, 2006


I should be more carefull. I should probably make a list of my belongings.

Today, rehearsal was finished earlier than usual. After the rehearsal, there are so many things needed to be checked and be approved from the artist. Their manager told me to take the bag, full of all the approved samples and items, to the office since he has to go out for dinner. I keep my attention to the big paper bag so I would not forget. I run the errands, cleaned up the lounge, washing the cups, and finally ready to leave. I did not forget the important paper bag which is now including the manager's laptop. I grabbed my computer bag and lunch bag, and the heavy paper bag. One of my co-worker from other department was giving me a ride. We got on a car and he started engine......then I realized I did not bring my own purse!!!! I was so silly!! I fetched it immediately from the 5th floor. The car pulled over in front of our office, I grabbed my purse this time first, the heavy paper bag, and lunch bag. Another co-worker and I thanked him and said good-bye. We turned around to the gate, and my co-worker said...."?? What about your pc bag??" OHHHHHH my GGooosh. I called him immediately and started running. He was still under the hill, I cought up with him and got my computer. I was so embarassed... : (

Wasuremono is a thing somebody left / forgotten.

Monday, June 12, 2006


I had chance to talk with my mom. She came back from her trip. She has been visiting many castles and temples throughout Japan. I have never seen anyone who truely enjoy their retirment life by themselves, not depending cherish grand kids or anything, as much as my mom. I hope I will be alive and kicking when I am retired like her!

Last night, Japan had the first game in the world cup soccuer. I left Tokyo around 10:00, just about the game started. Roppongi was crowded with lots of supporters and foreigners. When I arrived at home, game was 2nd half and Japan was leading 1-0......5 min later, Australia caught up with Japan. Then another goal, and one more!!! Japan was lost. That was the thing all of my co-workers were talking about it first thing in the morning. ZANNEN!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Let me tell you something....

Yesterday, I gathered all my motivation to write what happened again. I wrote loooooong story about it and uploaded. I hit "View Blog" button after it was successfully published. What I saw was the blog day before which I believed lost forever!! I can't leave the new one since it was telling the same story. I felt very stupid. I thought I got over jet lag since I stayed my friend's house and slept long enough. However I can't deny I am still not properly functioning....

Last night the guitarlist took the band members and me to great Yakitori, skewer chicken grill, restaurant after the rehearsal. I have not had Yakitori so long and I was very happy to be there. They have so many tasty appetizers. I had 1 beer and "GS", fresh grapefruit juice and Sochu on the rocks, which is very tasty and refreshing. This was the first time I had alchol since I came back to Japan. The yakitori was just fabulous! Also the ramen with chicken soup....unbelievably tastyyyyy!! I had fun and enjoyed the food very much. We left around 9:30. As soon as I went down to the subway station, I start feel dizzy....I was totally buzzed! I managed myself to go home. My mom came back from her trip and I finally saw her. BUT I was so drunk and fell down in the living room. She gave me 3 table spoons of honey which help not to have hangover. That was all I could do then.

OK. Let's talk about today. I had to wire some money to a travel agency. I took a bus to the station since there was no bank aound the rehearsal place. The cut off time for wire transfer is 3:00pm, I arrived 3 mins before 3:00. The bank was on the other side of the station so I run, run, run.....At ATM machine, I was out of breath but put all the information. Unfortunately, the clock already hit 3:00 in the last seconds. The transfer will be done tomorrow. I called the travel agency, they understood the situation so it was OK. I walked back to the bus stop at the other side of the station, to catch a bus going back. It was 15min to the next bus. I sat down a bench and had a big sigh......HEEEEEEAAAA! I inhale all the oxgen around me! There WAS a small ATM machine on the other side of the street......I guess I still having a jet lag.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Here I am again!

Phweeeeeeee. I came back to Japan 3 days ago. I start working 2 days ago. I had a work at TV station 1 day ago. I wrote this blog today about how I am already worn out and made mistakes......I uploaded and somehow I hit "sign out" while it was still uploaded.....yes, it's gone.....I don't have energy to write it again. I will try to put it together tomorrow!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Here I am again!

Pheewwww. I came back to Japan. This time for 3 months. I arrived 3 days ago, start going to the office 2 days ago, working at TV station 1 day ago. Today, we start rehearsal for a tour. Yes, I am going to the tour with a Japanese rock band. The band, and people who work for the band are sooooooo hard working people. I have to catch up with them. Well, I think I kind of have a switch to turn me on to Japanese working mode....but on the third day, I almost feel I am going to be sick if I do 3 hours commute everyday without any days off (which seems like another week for sure).
Last night I fell sleep on a train and missed my stop. In fact, I woke up at one station before and thought "oh good! I should not fall sleep so I would not miss the next stop", the stop I should change trains. However the fact I did not realize was that train was super express and skip so many station. It did not stop the station I should get off! As soon as the announce said "Next is Yokosuka..." my eye balls were almost dropped.....It took almost 2 hours to go home. I stayed at my second family's home and had late late dinner.
This morning,...I was still worn out by the work and late night train. I stopped by my mom's place. My mom lives on the 4th floor in a group of apartment buildings. I drag myself to the 4th floor and I realized that building was wrong one!! I could not believe myself......I am crashing at my best friend's house tonight so I can save my time for sleep.

Despite those hard working days, I am very looking forward to going on the tour. I am proud being a part of it. Also there are so many place I have never been. The first show will be in Amami Island where is close to Okinawa, southern islands of Japan.
I wonder what weather it will be, the culture, and how is the people there. Japan is such a small country but the culture is varied depends on the area. I would love to know more about my country!