Thursday, October 27, 2005

when people despair

I read an article saying a philosopher said "When somebody is in despair, there are only three ways. To give up hope and give a damn attitude, or kill himself, or to find another possiblities.". I think philosophy is a study to explain about what we think / feel / do about our life. They are words trying to understand our life. Sometimes it sounds complicated and can't understand at all but sometimes there is something just to open my eyes and make me feel releaved. I like thinking about the life, purpose, why and how people react / love / misunderstand / understand. To understand the different idea or culture is difficult than we think because it is deep inside of us and them. But still, I hope I can be open minded even after I am a grown up. Getting old makes our brain not flexible. I want to believe ther is always another possiblity, answer is not one. Well, ther is no "true answer" in our life. Nobody but us can tell.....when you look back long time ago. People's mind changes so answer could be different in 10 years depending on how you feel and think.
Another one I was impressed was by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It is hard to explain in English but I guess he is saying something like this; Within unbalance of the desire we have and the ability we have, unhappiness exsist. I have to realize where I am now, what I can do in reality. Then I can move towards what I would like to be. Without it, I may only dream about something I don't have and never be there. The article said when something unhappy happens, people tend to think there is somewhere or somebody understand the "true me" despite the fact of who you are, imagining something unreal. By being realistic, I can see what I have and don't have. So I can have what I should earn to get to where I want!

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