Wednesday, October 12, 2005


I am writing as hanahiryori. hana means a flower and hiyori day? maybe?...anyway, kind of old japanese word. we still use the work but it sounds nice/polite, a little bit formal or literate. Japanese has so many nice words which have certain sounds and meaning beyond the word itself. In Old time Japan, people strongly believed the power of word. People believed a word has a power itself, make things happen. This belief still exsists. I like the idea. So we should speak positively, not complaining all the time because it make things worse. If you say it, it happens more often. To make your dreams come true you should say it loud!! : )

P.S. I named hanahiyori because of the chocolate I was eating when I start it. All the names I had thought was already taken!


Gravity Engine said...

I totally agree!! Words are so much more powerful than we give them credit. They can really alter your life or someone else's if they let themselves be affected by it. They get into the subconscious and can really wreak havoc or... can make vast improvements in your life. Depending on how we use them. It's something I'm trying to be more aware of, to notice the words I use and how they affect my life. I'm trying to change certain ones. Remove them from my vocabulary, so to speak. We must respect words! And as a writer, I say this with much enthusiasm!

P.S. I guessed that hanahiyori meant "spring flower." I was pretty close!

hanahiyori said...

Yes, your vocablary is very important to me since you are like my private dictionary alive! : )
Keep teaching me only good words that make our life better!