Monday, October 31, 2005

Such a fun day

I had Unagi (eel) with my mom. On that day I visited one of my best friends from high school and came back in the evening. Last weekend, my mom and I went to sushi for dinner which was so so good. This time we decided to have unagi and remember the place where has a hot spring bath tub in side restrant building. We ordered una-jyu (usually it is in a box with lid, unagi on top of rice). The differnt between "---don" and "---jyu", such as Ten-don and Ten-jyu, would be......just in which container they use, I think. "Don" is for donburi which is a big rice bowl ceramic kind, and "jyu" is for "Jyu-bako" which is a old style of a lunch box, kind of luxuary then or richer people liked these style. Ordinary people don't care so much about looks as long as its taste is good. These kind of dish has been exisited for a long time and I don't think it would be disappear. So, "---jyu" is still more expensive compare to "---don" even though they are not using expensive material they used to use for these jyubakos. Usually "---jyu" is served at specialized restaurant or more like high end. Anyway, we took a nice hot bath (we brought towels. we can rent them though) on the first floor and came up to the second floor where the restaurant is. Oh, I have to mention we had already taken our shoes off when we entered the restaurant so we can walk bare foot in the building. A waitress saw us and told the kitchen. Within a few minutes our unagi was ready. We were so hungry....and.....unagi was OH MY GOSH delicious!
Then we thought about stopping by another friend who lives in 15 min drive. She lives really close to her parents house. I called her parents since she did not answer her cell. Her father told me she might be taking a bath with kids. He was happy to hear from me since it has been a long time. When we were high school students, I stayed so many night at her place so I know her family very well, and my mom too. Right before I left my friend's place her father called me to tell us to stop by his bar. I did not know he opened a bar. Miki, my friend, told me he opend his bar in the building he owns last September working very hard. So we stopped by. The bar was new and clean, and very bright. Not like the dark oyaji bar with little light, even thought that bar is not for hip young people, more like cozy Karaoke bar kind.
Her father woke his wife up so she could join. We felt bad since she was in a bed already and had to put the make up on again. But still we are happy to see her and vise versa. There is funny / interesting room which is the father's idea. The room is a sound proof room and there is a cabinet with several BB guns, and ceramic dishes! On the other side behind a counter there is a target paper, hanged porno pin-ups (!) and on the floore, 3 peices of paper saying "Wife" "Boss" "Jerk". This tiny (really tiny) room is to free your shoot BB guns or throw dishes!! We tried the BB guns which I never shot before, it was very powerful. My mom said he should hang men pin-ups too for women customers. ; ) I thought it is fun for everybody who are stressed out from work, life, love, etc. While they were laughing at the funny idea of his room, I closed door only myself inside, and threw a dish....BANG! It was crashed into pieces and it was "Skatto shita"! "Skatto" is also the name of the bar. I would say it is sound of feeling, .which Japanese has many that kind of words, means "feel refrehed" or in my case "released stress". (Shita is close to the word "did") We are not allowed to smash dishes onto the ground with full power. I would not do it at my house (of couse!) but I have to admit it was good feeling. I did not do any more but it was fun. These days more and more people are having trouble to be stressed out. Many crimes are sometimes made by these stress. People don't know how to de-steress themselves. This bar might be a temporary but could be one way to start freeing your stress. That bar is such a brilliant idea and he is always funny. We talked and laughed a lot that night having so much fun. This is the easiest way to de-stress yourself!

1 comment:

Gravity Engine said...

I want to go to skatto bar! I need to de-stress myself! What a great idea. I wish there was a place like that here, but then again, I think I would be scared to go into a bar like that here in L.A. All the stressed out people in one place might be scary. Maybe we could start our own and just invite friends. It could be a private club! :) Next trip to Japan... sukatto baa ikitai!! demo porno shashin omoshiroi!

Oh and unagi oishii so!! tabetai!!